Thursday, June 11, 2009

closer to closing

We are supposed to close on the house in a week and a half however we might not make our deadline. We knew after having the inspection completed on the house last week that there are two areas of the roof that need to be fixed. We figured that we would end up paying for that because the seller of the home is absolutely broke and the bank that has posession of the house is not willing to work with us at all as they are already taking a hit on the house. We learned today that the roof must be fixed before we can close on the house because the appraiser will not complete the job until that is done. So....the selling agent is going to cover the cost of those repairs (as of today) so that we can move forward with closing. Because of this issue, we might not be able to close on time as this may push everything back a day.
We are ready to get out of this hotel so we are hoping that everything will remain close to being on track. We are okay with things being pushed back one day but not much more than that because we already have the movers, cleaners and exterminator scheduled and we don't want to have to change all of those appts.

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